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Concern Over Proposed Building at Rowley Downs Entrance

Early last December, the Parker Town Council voted to divide Town-Campus property and to donate public property—Town Lot 3—to the Parker Task Force for a food bank facility.

The Parker Task Force food bank currently operates from the basement portion of old Town Hall, serving residents of Parker, Franktown and Elizabeth. It’s open Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Volunteers sometimes work at the site beyond these hours, receiving, unloading and organizing donations.

We appreciate the wonderful work of Parker Task Force in serving the needs of individuals in the community and will continue to support those efforts. This is not about Parker Task Force. Our concern focuses only on site appropriateness.

Rowley Downs (RD) HOA Position

The planned location is not in the best interests of the Town, Parker residents or members of the Rowley Downs HOA Board. There are better sites for such “commercial” warehouse structures. Based on our conversations with interested residents, conversations with Town representatives, a presentation to the HOA by Parker Task Force, and several board discussions, we have determined we should proactively work to see the food bank relocated to a more appropriate site. 

If you would like to write your own letter to the Mayor or members of Town Council, here is a file you can use as a reference point: Resident Letter and bullet points for Town Council. Here’s how to contact the Mayor and Town Council members.

The links below are aimed at providing the residents of Rowley Downs and our neighbors in the Town of Parker with the information we feel is required to help our residents and leaders make informed decisions related to this proposed project. 

PTF Food Bank Location Fact Sheet : : :  Letter to Mayor Waid on Food Bank Location : : :  Special_Warranty_Deedi_mg006